
Philippine Transportations

If you live in the Philippines you know all of the transportation that has been used everyday. I miss all of this and one day when i come back to my beloved land i will really ride all of those. To those who wants to visit Philippines you will enjoy riding our transportation specially the one that have a horse. Jeepney is the common transportation in the Philippines and the motorcab. Then the buses I am not sure how many can ride it but i know a lot of people. #55 BPC


Wow jeepneys!! i miss it! ;) hehehe thanks for the visit sis kaso d kita maintndhan :D

wow new blog na pud ni? Love the headers, the title.. its all about Philippines.. :)

Thanks for the visit on my blog sis! :)

Miss ko na tanan klasi sakyanan sa pinas mommy:(

Visiting from the challenge- hope you can stop by:)

i had a bad experience with the first ride. never again will ride a kalesa. kc ang mga driver manloloko, lalo na pag may kasama kang kano. tour tour kuno.. tapos later on they will ask for such an absurd amount. nagagalit pa pag hindi mo bayaran. it was bad, pati si hubby was so disappointed. but i sure miss riding the jeepney. =D

from BPC

I miss the potpot! hehehehe... Only in the Philippines lang jud. :) I miss Pinas as well. Visiting via BPC, mommyGen.

Adin B

all sorts of transpo, yu can find that in pinas hehehehe

Only in pinas ra gyud ni natu ma experience...miss homey much! thanks for the visit gen! Have a blessed Sunday!

mahal ang kalesa, barato ang trisikad. Naa pa diay trisikad karon?

Wow! Kalesa! Ganahan ko og sakay ana.

mingaw na nuon ko sa pinas da...waaaa!

And you make me miss Pinas even more Mommy! :(

BPC visit here!